The Parent's Assistant; Or Stories for Children Read online

  This eBook was produced by Les Bowler.

  [Picture: Book cover]

  [Picture: The orphans]



  “’Tis Education forms the common mind,— Just as the twig is bent, the tree’s inclined.”


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  OUR great lexicographer, in his celebrated eulogium on Dr. Watts, thusspeaks in commendation of those productions which he so successfullypenned for the pleasure and instruction of the juvenile portion of thecommunity.

  “For children,” says Dr. Johnson, “he condescended to lay aside thephilosopher, the scholar, and the wit, to write little poems of devotion,and systems of instruction adapted to their wants and capacities, fromthe dawn of reason to its gradation of advance in the morning of life.Every man acquainted with the common principles of human action, willlook with veneration on the writer, who is at one time combating Locke,and at another time making a catechism for _children in their fourthyear_. A voluntary descent from the dignity of science is perhaps thehardest lesson which humility can teach.”

  It seems, however, no very easy task to write for children. Those onlywho have been interested in the education of a family, who have patientlyfollowed children through the first processes of reasoning, who havedaily watched over their thoughts and feelings—those only who know withwhat ease and rapidity the early association of ideas are formed, onwhich the future taste, character and happiness depend, can feel thedangers and difficulties of such an undertaking.

  Indeed, in all sciences the grand difficulty has been to ascertainfacts—a difficulty which, in the science of education, peculiarcircumstances conspire to increase. Here the objects of every experimentare so interesting that we cannot hold our minds indifferent to theresult. Nor is it to be expected that many registers of experiments,successful and unsuccessful, should be kept, much less should bepublished, when we consider that the combined powers of affection andvanity, of partiality to his child and to his theory, will act upon themind of a parent, in opposition to the abstract love of justice, and thegeneral desire to increase the wisdom and happiness of mankind.Notwithstanding these difficulties, an attempt to keep such a registerhas actually been made. The design has from time to time been pursued.Though much has not been collected, every circumstance and conversationthat have been preserved are faithfully and accurately related, and thesenotes have been of great advantage to the writer of the followingstories.

  The question, whether society could exist without the distinction ofranks, is a question involving a variety of complicated discussions,which we leave to the politician and the legislator. At present it isnecessary that the education of different ranks should, in some respects,be different. They have few ideas, few habits in common; their peculiarvices and virtues do not arise from the same causes, and their ambitionis to be directed to different objects. But justice, truth, and humanityare confined to no particular rank, and should be enforced with equalcare and energy upon the minds of young people of every station; and itis hoped that these principles have never been forgotten in the followingpages.

  As the ideas of children multiply, the language of their books shouldbecome less simple; else their taste will quickly be disgusted, or willremain stationary. Children that live with people who converse withelegance will not be contented with a style inferior to what they hearfrom everybody near them.

  All poetical allusions, however, have been avoided in this book; suchsituations only are described as children can easily imagine, and whichmay consequently interest their feelings. Such examples of virtue arepainted as are not above their conception of excellence, or their powersof sympathy and emulation.

  It is not easy to give _rewards_ to children which shall not indirectlydo them harm by fostering some hurtful taste or passion. In the story of“Lazy Lawrence,” where the object was to excite a spirit of industry,care has been taken to proportion the reward to the exertion, and todemonstrate that people feel cheerful and happy whilst they are employed.The reward of our industrious boy, though it be money, is only moneyconsidered as the means of gratifying a benevolent wish. In a commercialnation it is especially necessary to separate, as much as possible, thespirit of industry and avarice; and to beware lest we introduce Viceunder the form of Virtue.

  In the story of “Tarlton and Loveit” are represented the danger and thefolly of that weakness of mind, and that easiness to be led, which toooften pass for good nature; and in the tale of the “False Key” arepointed out some of the evils to which a well educated boy, on firstgoing to service, is exposed from the profligacy of his fellow servants.

  In the “Birthday Present,” and in the character of Mrs. Theresa Tattle,the “Parent’s Assistant” has pointed out the dangers which may arise ineducation from a bad servant, or a common acquaintance.

  In the “Barring Out” the errors to which a high spirit and the love ofparty are apt to lead have been made the subject of correction, and it ishoped that the common fault of making the most mischievous charactersappear the most _active_ and the most ingenious, has been as much aspossible avoided. _Unsuccessful_ cunning will not be admired, and cannotinduce imitation.

  It has been attempted, in these stories, to provide antidotes againstill-humour, the epidemic rage for dissipation, and the fatal propensityto admire and imitate whatever the fashion of the moment may distinguish.Were young people, either in public schools, or in private families,absolutely free from bad examples, it would not be advisable to introducedespicable and vicious characters in books intended for theirimprovement. But in real life they _must_ see vice, and it is best thatthey should be early shocked with the representation of what they are toavoid. There is a great deal of difference between innocence andignorance.

  To prevent the precepts of morality from tiring the ear and the mind, itwas necessary to make the stories in which they are introduced in somemeasure dramatic; to keep alive hope and fear and curiosity, by somedegree of intricacy. At the same time, care has been taken to avoidinflaming the imagination, or exciting a restless spirit of adventure, byexhibiting false views of life, and creating hopes which, in the ordinarycourse of things, cannot be realized.